Portuguese Citizenship for ancestry or by descent
Portuguese nationality can be obtained via descendency or ancestry.
Based on the Nationality Law (Organic Law No. 2/2018, of July 5), nationality can be by bloodline (derived from Portuguese ancestors) or territorial (since the child was born in Portuguese territory), therefore ttose who have a portuguese ancestor born in Portugal are elegible for the citizenship by descent
Eligibility and pathways
- Portuguese mother or a Portuguese father born in Portuguese territory;
The children of a Portuguese mother or of a Portuguese father born abroad if the Portuguese parent is at the service of the Portuguese State;
- The children of a Portuguese mother or a Portuguese father born abroad if they are registered in the Portuguese civil registry or if they declare that they wish to be Portuguese;
- Individuals born abroad with at least one ascendant of Portuguese nationality of the second degree in the straight line who did not lose that nationality, if they declare that they want to be Portuguese, have ties of effective connection to the national community and, verified such requirements, enter the birth in the Portuguese civil registry;

- Law No. 25/94, of August 19
- Organic Law No. 2/2006, of April 17
- Organic Law No. 9/2015, of July 29
- Organic Law No. 2/2018, of July 5
Relevant laws: